Hat & Chair
My Old Friends
I love these shoes. Now, you must know I have a nice collection of shoes. And as one might expect, I see a lot of great shoes. But these shoes, of all my shoes, are my favorite. I call them my old friends, and like old friends they are always there for me. It’s like they know me. The rough, stinky, clumsy part of me. And in spite of all this, they make me feel comfortable. I always go to them for that reason. Sure, I have prettier shoes, more expensive shoes, even fancier shoes, but these shoes never try to be anything other than what they are. Steady. When I am tired and just want to be myself, they are there. Old friends. Loyal and steadfast. They are like 2 a.m. friends. You know those friends you could call and wake up at 2 a.m. How many do we have? These shoes are my 2 a.m. friends. Actually, they always make sure I feel better. Physically and emotionally. I know, come what may, they are there for me. To support me, to comfort me, to guide me. Step by step. They are my old friends. And perhaps, step-by-step, they do something even more. Perhaps, just perhaps, they remind me of the friend I am called to be myself.
–Scott Pyburn